This Is What Happens When You Start Walking Everyday

Terus Belajar
3 min readMay 10, 2022
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

These last two years have been driving me crazy. From acute stress, anxiety, depression, binge eating, mood swing, and sleep disorders. But, on 13th April 2022, I know I can’t live like this. I gotta do something. Well, the first thing that appears in my mind is to improve my health. Because I’m not an active person (I spend my day in front of a desktop)and I know my physical being is not strong enough to do moderate exercises, I start with the easiest exercise on Earth — walking for 45 minutes.

At first, I could feel that my knee was in pain. It became terrible every time I had to step on the stairs. Well, that pain is proof that my body is trying to adapt to these new ‘active’ circumstances, so it is normal. I keep consistent with my walking exercises and did not realize that days become weeks. But I can realize new things start to happen with my body. Here are they:

Losing Weight

Photo by i yunmai on Unsplash

Quite unbelievable at first. I mean, it’s just walking at a moderate pace! And I slowly lose 7lbs. According to Healthline, walking for 45 minutes (at normal speed of 3–4 km / h) burns calories as much as 245 calories! So don’t be surprised if you consistently walk every day, you will see significant changes in body weight plus an increase both in stamina and physical strength.

Become Happier

Photo by Fernando Brasil on Unsplash

Your happiness is regulated by chemicals a.k.a hormones that are produced by your brain. According to scientific studies, any form of exercise can trigger an increase in the production of the hormone dopamine by the body which leads to having a better mood and happiness :)

Practicing Mindfulness

Photo by Nick Page on Unsplash

Mindfulness can be defined as a moment of awareness when we practice bringing mindfulness to whatever we are doing at that moment. Every time I do walk, I learn to be “aware” such as feeling the breeze, being aware when stepping up my foot, and enjoying the morning sun. Various studies also show mindfulness can help reduce stress and increase creativity and memory! Who doesn’t want those benefits right?

Now, let’s share your stories! What do you feel when you start being active? Feel free to comment, guys!



Terus Belajar

Gen Z | I write what sparks my curiosity and how I perceive the world | Written in Bahasa & English